Thursday, April 23, 2009


Trips to CHEO with Emma used to be tiring. She was fast, she was all over the place. I always had to become "Camille the superhold wrestler" and come up with "holds" so hospital staff could perform their tests.
It did not matter if it was in cardiology, dental clinic, ENT clinic, eye clinic, and so on, Emma would not surrender easily to any of those invasions of her little self. I have to admit, she is quite the fighter. Her wrestler's name might have been "Emma the youngest Houdini of the world".
Could it be that we have both retired from our EOCHWA (Eastern Ontario Children Hospital Wrestling Association) career? Maybe, maybe not...
In the last 3 weeks, we had 3 appointments. She first surprised me by sitting by herself in the dentist's chair. Her teeth were checked, cleaned, polished, flossed and checked again while she sang AH all along. When everything was done she said: Thank you lady!
The second week, Dr. Vacanni checked her ears, Not a problem. A tube had fallen off. He needed to take it out with this long pick or tweezer. Not a problem. She sat there, very still waiting for him to be done. When she was done, she asked me to sit in the chair, took the light instrument and wanted to check my ears while saying: Doctor Emma.
Twice at CHEO, not a wrestling move. Hum, something is definitely changing...
Then came the psychological assessment. The only one she had in the past was not very revealing. Emma was just too active for the DOC to administer any of his neat little tests.
This time, Emma sat there and answered a lot of questions. When she knew the answer, she would point to the right picture and say: Right there with exasperation, as if she thought Doc should know these things. When she did not know the answer, she would simply say: I don't know and move to the next set of pictures. Another fun, enjoyable appointment.
All these amazing appointments were tempting me to believe that my wrestling days are over. But then, Carl and I had to cut Emma's toe nails. And our little Houdini made a great comeback, fighting and yelling like, yes, like a pig being plunged into boiling water.
All in all, I am thinking what a fun ride we are having with this little girl of ours! She is growing up faster now and it is always a joy to watch her bloom. Today she is going to see the movie Earth (for Earth Day), not at our local theater but in Montreal, I hope her EA will keep her eyes on Emma at all times...
Where has my baby girl gone?

1 comment:

  1. awww...I love this girl of yours so much! I'm glad her assessment went better than ours did :)

    She really is growing up - and growing more beautiful every day.
